Gemma’s story

Mature student, Gemma, was in the third year of a paramedic degree at the University of Greenwich when she took part in a workshop for Students of Colour.

Grit is pretty amazing. It changed everything.

My university experience had a challenging start. I’d started at another university but left at the end of my first year to have a baby. When I started at Greenwich I was juggling new motherhood, a new university, the impact of Covid – everything was online – and managing my dyslexia. I wasn’t feeling too great about university.

There was only one other Black student on the course and I was older than many of other students. I was feeling isolated, alone, and often invisible. Struggling with my studies felt overwhelming and I considered dropping out at the start of my third year.

But then I joined the Grit workshop. There was such a sense of community. I felt embraced by the other participants and staff. I realised I wasn’t alone: there were others facing similar barriers. I felt I was participating in a safe space which allowed me to open up about the racism and difficulties I was encountering, how I was made to feel as if I wasn’t up to scratch, how the constant battle to prove myself academically was exhausting.

Then a revelation struck me like a lightbulb – through Grit, I understood I could take charge. I realised I could choose how to respond, giving me a newfound sense of power and confidence. I went back to my placement, speaking up, requesting support and challenging when needed. I began to feel like a valued member of the team. 

In the workshop we’d done an exercise to map out our life journeys, our progress and accomplishments. I saw that I wasn’t doing so badly, and collectively, we were all moving forward.

So, when the was opportunity to apply for the Fast Track Recruitment scheme at my placement, I had the confidence, the self-esteem to tell myself ‘you are worth it.’ Grit gave me the opportunity for me to witness others from my culture succeed – and this inspired me. It pushed me along. 

I applied to be on the scheme and they offered me a position.

Seems like I’m up to scratch after all.