Schools & colleges
Raising. Bars.
Our bespoke programmes for schools and colleges are all about challenging and supporting young people to take ownership of their educational journey.
We deliver intensive personal development and coaching programmes for students from year nine to year thirteen, enabling them to transform the beliefs they have about themselves, their peers and their educational community. Read what students Liam and Anna and teacher Chris have to say.
Attainment goes up, behaviour improves, students increase their self-esteem and aspirations for the future.
They reflect on what it is they really want, on who they really want to be, and get the coaching and follow-up that turns it into action.
Students see new choices, set new goals, take responsibility and become more engaged with school/college life.
We work with staff too - integral to making change sustainable. We create a reflective space that allows staff to see past the limiting blind spots, beliefs and attitudes that have inevitably built up over time. Energised and reinvigorated, they see new ways of working and generate powerful and productive coaching relationships with students.
We bespoke and we innovate. We design programmes specific to each school, specific to each group of young people. Our blogs and articles are an opportunity to think and reflect on how to we can support students to be the best they can be.
75% reduction in exclusions
80% students improve attainment
Our impact.
School Leader, Teacher, trainer and coach, West Midlands
“We had some difficult kids and the old-fashioned approach to discipline just wasn’t working. Grit turned them around. Grit gave us the focus, the structure to help the students to have real conversations about themselves, their lives and their ambitions for school.
The impact of Grit extended into the wider school - it created a coaching culture for the whole staff body, in our teaching practice, in leadership practice, in the way we related to each other as colleagues.
And there was a direct link to improved staff and school performance.”
Head teacher, Thomas Alleyne High School
“Year on year we have chosen to invest significantly in our work with Grit because we know they can achieve long-term change for young people.
We have seen attitudes, motivation and results improve. Grit are never afraid to take on difficult conversations with students and staff. They have provided us, as senior leaders, with inspiration and challenge.
It is this high level of professionalism and commitment to ensuring that all students are given opportunities to reflect and readjust the way they behave which we value.”
Our case studies.
“It got me thinking about opportunities I could look for. I’d never done that before.”
“My coach helped me put myself in other people’s shoes...”
“Engagement improved. Attendance improved... It made all the difference.”